CMS Intends to Move Forward With IRA Implementation
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On January 29, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) the first press release of the second Trump Administration indicating that CMS intends to continue the IRA’s Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program for initial price applicability year (IPAY) 2027. Even though the 15 selected drugs for IPAY 2027 were prior to President Trump’s inauguration, the statement indicates that CMS will move forward with the Negotiation Program. However, the statement leaves the door open for potential modifications in the future, noting that “CMS intends to provide opportunities for stakeholders to provide specific ideas” to improve the IRA’s Negotiation Program and “bring greater transparency” to the process.
Further, on January 30, CMS announced that its Negotiation Data Elements and Drug Price Negotiation Process information collection request for IPAY 2027 was open and accepting submissions from manufacturers and the public.
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