Manatt Attorneys Take Center Stage at Leading Industry Events

Webinar: Analyzing the FTC’s Updated Digital Advertising Guidelines

Bloomberg BNA
June 11, 2013

The Federal Trade Commission recently released its revised online advertising disclosure guidelines – known as its Dot Com Guidance – and now it’s up to marketers to put this guidance into practice. To help marketers adhere to these new requirements while continuing to implement creative digital media strategies, Linda Goldstein, Chair of Manatt’s Advertising, Marketing & Media practice, will team up with Michael Ostheimer of the FTC’s Division of Advertising Practices to lead a webinar discussion titled “The Fine Print: Analyzing the FTC’s Updated Digital Advertising Guidelines.”

Throughout this Bloomberg BNA webinar, the presenters will focus on the disclosures that are required in online advertising, highlight what is required in light of the space constraints of mobile device screens and social media platforms, discuss the placement of disclosure statements, and consider whether a URL linking to a disclosure statement placed elsewhere may be used.

The webinar will be held from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EDT on June 11.

NOTE: Be sure to take advantage of Manatt’s friend-of-the-firm discount of 20%. On the registration page, choose the “live webinar” option from the drop-down menu and add it to the cart. If necessary, create an account with Bloomberg BNA, then type the promo code LGAUEBR3 into the specified field and choose “proceed to checkout” to complete the process. Your connectivity information for the day of the program will arrive via email shortly thereafter.

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Seminar on Challenges Facing the Food & Beverage Industries in Complex Consumer Litigations

Perrin Conferences
June 12, 2013
New York, NY

On June 12, 2013, Linda Goldstein has been invited to serve as a panelist at a seminar focusing on “Challenges Facing the Food & Beverage Industries in Complex Consumer Litigations.”

Linda’s presentation, titled “Winning the Court of Public Opinion – The Role of Media as a Tool to Broadcast the Story,” will provide guidance to food and beverage companies on protecting reputation, brand or business against online attacks.

The seminar will be held at the Intercontinental New York Barclay.

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Complimentary Webinar: Are You Ready for New TCPA Consent Requirements?

Hosted by Manatt
June 19, 2013

The risks and costs associated with sending text or prerecorded phone messages to consumers can be significant across a wide spectrum of businesses. Fines for violations under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) begin at $500 per call or text message and, when tripled in a class action, can potentially bankrupt a company. Effective October 16, 2013, the FCC’s updated TCPA regulations go into effect and heighten the need for attention to compliance. The new rules pose significant implementation challenges by requiring that consumers give express written consent before receiving marketing calls or text messages.

In an advanced, no-cost webinar, “Are You Ready for New TCPA Consent Requirements?” Manatt partners Marc Roth and Becca Wahlquist will join forces with Ken Sponsler of CompliancePoint, a leading direct marketing and security compliance firm, to provide updates on recent legal developments, provide insights into enforcement trends and strategies, and discuss solutions that will help businesses to remain ahead of the curve in meeting TCPA challenges.

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Legal, Regulatory and Compliance Forum on Dietary Supplements

American Conference Institute
June 26-27, 2013
New York, NY

On June 26-27, 2013, the American Conference Institute will hold its Legal, Regulatory and Compliance Forum on Dietary Supplements at which leading legal and regulatory professionals in the dietary supplement space will convene to discuss the implications of recent changes in Congress and at the FDA and existing challenges affecting dietary supplement functions, such as advertising and promotion; trademarks, trade names and line extensions; and studies.

Manatt partner Ed Glynn will participate in a session titled “Claim Substantiation and Risk Mitigation in Dietary Supplement Advertising and Promotion: Exploring the Fine Line Between Structure Function and Disease Claims.” The presentation will explore the gray area between structure function and disease claims in the promotion and advertising of dietary supplements, address how to substantiate product claims, and highlight recent Lanham Act challenges relative to false and misleading claims for competitor products, among other issues.

The conference will be held at The Carlton Hotel in New York. For more information or to register for this event, click here.

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Advanced Regulatory and Compliance Summit on Food & Beverage Marketing & Advertising

American Conference Institute
July 16-18, 2013
Washington, D.C.

On July 16-18, the American Conference Institute will host its Regulatory and Compliance Summit on Food & Beverage Marketing & Advertising.

At the conference, Linda Goldstein will team up with Patricia Poss (BCP Mobile Technology Unit, Division of Financial Practices, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection) to provide insight into “The Rise of Apps and Mobile Marketing in the Food & Beverage Industry: Practical Guidance for Structuring Campaigns that Will Withstand Government Scrutiny and Private Litigation.” The presenters will focus on privacy policy requirements for apps and mobile campaigns, provide perspective from the FTC on mobile advertising disclosures and mobile payment programs, and discuss how to comply with the CAN SPAM rules on messages sent to cell phones, among other topics.

The event will be held at the Hamilton Crowne Plaza in Washington, D.C. For more information or to register for this event, click here.

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