Manatt Attorneys Take Center Stage at Leading Industry Events

Manatt Attorneys Take Center Stage at Leading Industry Events

National Labor Relations Board’s New Social Media Policy Guidance Webinar

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
September 27, 2011

Last month the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a report detailing its key cases arising out of social media issues in the workplace. To help companies unpack the NLRB’s recent guidance on these matters, Manatt’s Esra Hudson, an employment law and litigation partner, will lead an interactive webinar discussion focusing on social media practices and policies in the workplace based on the NLRB’s report, as well as provide practical advice about crafting social medial policies and dealing with employees’ social media misconduct.

This complimentary webinar will be held on September 27, 2011, from 3 pm to 4 pm, EDT.

To register for the event, click here.

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WOMMA’s Talkable Brands Exchange

Word of Mouth Marketing Association
October 11, 2011
New York, NY

As social media continues to take the marketing industry by storm, it’s more important than ever for marketers to confer with legal practitioners at the outset of campaign planning to ensure their social business practices are both successful and compliant.

On October 11, 2011, the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) will host its annual Talkable Brands Exchange at which industry thought leaders from brands, agencies and service providers will convene at the American Express headquarters in New York to discuss tactics for promoting “talkable” brands via social media and avoiding legal and regulatory land mines. Linda Goldstein, Chair of Manatt’s Advertising, Marketing & Media Division, will serve as a panelist in a session titled “Sweepstakes and Contests Game Plan Preparedness.”

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ACI’s Social Media, Business Technology and the Law Conference

American Conference Institute
October 26-27, 2011
New York, NY

Once touted as an inexpensive marketing strategy for brand promotion, it’s clear that as technology advances, marketing through social media channels can, in fact, turn out to be costly – and potentially harmful to a brand’s reputation – if companies don’t employ thoughtful, well-executed strategies integrating the myriad business, legal and technical considerations.

On October 26, 2011, Manatt partner Marc Roth will participate in a panel discussion titled “You Better Disclose That: Ensuring that Your Company Is Closely Adhering to the FTC’s Endorsement and Testimonial Guidelines.” He will join Leonard Gordon (Director, Northeast Region, Federal Trade Commission) and Jackie Medecki (Senior Counsel, Sales and Marketing, Intel Corporation) to discuss what employees need to understand about disclosing company affiliations when blogging, tweeting and posting; explore the issues involving contracting with celebrity endorsers in the social media realm; and offer strategies for companies to develop high levels of credibility in what they post.

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33rd Annual PMA Marketing Law Conference

Promotion Marketing Association
November 14-16, 2011
Chicago, IL

In the fast-changing world of promotions and advertising, it is crucial for marketers to stay on top of the latest developments on hot-button issues, including social media, sweepstakes and contests, mobile marketing, environmental marketing, marketing to children, food marketing, sponsorships and endorsements, among others.

And thanks to the Promotion Marketing Association, which this year celebrates its 100th anniversary promoting brands, marketers have been able to keep their fingers on the pulse of newly emerging trends in these areas.  Manatt partner Linda Goldstein has been invited to serve as co-chair of PMA's 33rd Annual Marketing Law Conference throughout which she and partners Christopher Cole and Marc Roth will provide insight on pressing legal, regulatory and enforcement issues for marketers in three separate presentations.

Linda will delve into the laws governing sweepstakes and contests as well as offer best practices for structuring innovative promotional campaigns in her presentation “What’s New in the Game Today – New Twists on Traditional Sweeps, Contests and Promotions.”

Marc will participate in a panel discussion concerning rights and obligations in affiliate, negative option and advanced consent marketing (“The Perils of Partners – Affiliate/Advanced Consent Marketing”), with other speakers to include Terri Frank, Counsel at Weight Watchers.

Chris will join other litigators to engage in a mock trial involving promotional issues (“Courting Trial – Mock Trial of Promotional Mishaps”), which will be presided over by a federal judge.

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