Boozang Quoted in Healthcare Dive About Upcoming Policy and Funding Changes in Medicaid

Manatt Health Senior Managing Director Patricia Boozang was quoted in a Healthcare Dive article discussing how a new administration may impact upcoming health care policy and funding changes for the Medicaid program. 

As cutting taxes is a focus of the upcoming adminstration, federal funding to Medicaid programs may be reduced, according to the article. Some of the policies in consideration, including reductions to the federal match rate, are unfavored by many states since a key portion of their Medicaid funding comes from the federal government. Yet passing these proposals could lead the remaining states that are not currently under managed care models to consider diverting Medicaid’s financial risk onto private insurers. “I think that’s definitely one of the things that states look more closely at when they’re in budget straits and when their Medicaid funding is limited,” Boozang said. 

Healthcare Dive subscribers can read the full article here