Serafi Quoted in Various Publications on CMS Rule Regarding Medicaid and CHIP

Manatt Health Partner Kinda Serafi was quoted in Bloomberg Law, Healthcare Dive and HealthPayerIntelligence about the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) final Eligibility and Enrollment rule aimed at improving the application and renewal process for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). 

According to the articles, more than a quarter of Americans rely on Medicaid and CHIP coverage, yet the process to become a beneficiary and maintain this status posed challenges. The new rule sets up a system where individuals can efficiently apply based on personal needs. “Such provisions will particularly help the aged and disabled populations, which are more likely to need Medicaid coverage and fall afoul of administrative barriers,” Serafi said in Healthcare Dive. For children covered under CHIP, the rule ensures that they will receive needed health care even if their families do not have sufficient funds for premiums. Serafi emphasized that the rule is the “most robust and meaningful” regulation streamlining Medicaid eligibility since rules implementing the Affordable Care Act were finalized a decade ago. 

Read the full Bloomberg Law article here, the Healthcare Dive article here and HealthPayerIntelligence’s here