Reilly Quoted in IAPP on Utah’s Artificial Intelligence Bill

Manatt Privacy and Data Security Partner Brandon Reilly was quoted in IAPP on Utah’s recent artificial intelligence (AI) bill and how it could pave the way for similar AI-related legislation in other states.  

The article explained that Utah’s bill holds companies liable if their product is utilized in scams while simultaneously allowing for innovation to thrive in the state. While other states are placing extensive rules around automated decision-making technology, Reilly characterized Utah's approach as being simpler than those risk-based approaches by clarifying that existing laws apply to generative AI as well. "It's really just defining the worst potential uses of AI, which is, of course, the uses of AI that might violate the law," he said.  

Reilly added that the bill may also have a longer reach than anticipated, pointing to Washington's 2019 privacy bill, which he said set the template for privacy laws in other states. “Everybody's trying to look for inspiration about what regulation should look like,” he said. "And so the fact that Utah lawmakers can point to this successful legislative effort and extol the benefits of it, and everyone can kind of examine that as well as downsides — I think that's going to have a profound effect at the state level." 

Read the full IAPP article here.