Manatt Partners with LEAP to Become First Ever Underwriter of Its Pre-L Boot Camp
Manatt is proud to be the first ever underwriter of Legal Education Access Pipeline’s (LEAP) Pre-L Boot Camp as part of its innovative model helping future legal professionals from underrepresented backgrounds successfully apply to and excel in law school.
“Access to justice is a vital element of the legal system that begins with investing in the next generation of lawyers from every community, and we are profoundly dedicated to the education and development of law students who will become changemakers in our industry,” said Manatt CEO and Managing Partner Donna Wilson. “We are honored to underwrite LEAP’s Pre-L Bootcamp and provide crucial support, preparation and mentorship to law students as they prepare for a road we, as lawyers, have all walked before and hope to make better for those who come after us.”
Over the course of six months, the Pre-L Bootcamp will help students navigate the time between law school acceptance and beginning classes, including negotiating financial aid offers, offering professional development, discussing best practices for self-care in school, briefing and outlining cases, and developing strategies for excelling in classes.
“The LEAP fellowship is a vital program providing much-needed guidance and practical training for underrepresented students who might otherwise not have resources to help them succeed, and we’re thrilled to have Manatt as a partner organization that is dedicated to professional development and the future leaders of the law,” said LEAP Founder Cindy Lopez. “The incredible success we’ve seen with the LEAP model so far proves this is filling an important gap in legal education to establish systems for success even before students begin law school.”
Serving between 20-30 students every year, the Pre-L Bootcamp curriculum includes:
- Law school skills training, including how to brief a case, essay writing and notetaking strategies
- Time management and goal setting
- Financial guidance, including how to save on books and class materials
- Professional development training, including networking strategies, resume creation and judicial externship applications
- Establishing balance and boundaries and finding a supportive community
The Pre-L Bootcamp will follow LEAP’s eight-month fellowship in which participants complete workshops, LSAT prep and mentorship programs that help them successfully apply to law school and prepare for their first year.
LEAP is an award-winning diversity pipeline fellowship program that comprehensively prepares participants for a career in law by helping them successfully apply to law school, excel as law students, and flourish in their legal communities.
Learn more about LEAP’s programs here.