Kolber Quoted in InsideHealthPolicy on Prescription Drug Affordability Boards

Manatt Health Partner Michael Kolber was quoted in InsideHealthPolicy on prescription drug affordability boards (PDABs), including potential challenges states may face in implementing them.

The article explained that the success of prescription drug affordability boards (PDABs) in reducing drug prices is reliant on details in state bills that define and evaluate the term “affordability.” According to Kolber, “Some states and some legislation talk about affordability, but it is really not clear whether it means affordability to the payer or to the state or to the patient. And sometimes, in defining affordability, they consider all of those things. So it is a little hard to know what the PDABs are going to do.”

Kolber also discussed potential operational and legal challenges states may face when implementing PDABs in two other InsideHealthPolicy articles—particularly those that elect to include an upper payment limit—noting that PDAB legislation is testing legal theories.

InsideHealthPolicy subscribers can read the full article here.

Read the other articles on this topic here and here.