Hudson Quoted in Law360 on Ninth Circuit’s En Banc Decision to Uphold Law A.B. 5
Manatt Employment and Labor Partner Esra Hudson was quoted in a Law360 article about the Ninth Circuit’s en banc decision to uphold law A.B. 5.
According to the article, A.B. 5 increases the criterion for employers when classifying workers as independent contractors, and many companies have raised concerns in court, arguing that exceptions to this law were arbitrary. There is also uncertainty whether companies currently covered by Prop. 22 will remain under this law or if A.B. 5 will be applied. While there is continual need to evaluate both legislation and policy for issues of worker misclassification and income inequality, Hudson states that A.B. 5 does not seem to do so effectively and will continue to be challenged.
Law360 subscribers can read the full article here.