Farr Quoted in Wired on the Impact of Declining Use of Genetic Testing Market

23andMe Is Sinking Fast. Can the Company Survive?
– Wired

Manatt Health Managing Director Christina Farr was quoted in an article by Wired on the uncertainty surrounding the future of the consumer genetics market in light of the declining use of a popular biotechnology and genetic testing company. 

According to the article, the company has been on a decline especially after a data breach affected millions of customers’ genetic profiles, among other reasons including a lack of new or returning customers. While genetic data can help guide a person to improve their long-term health, as the CEO of the company believes, consumers may not possess the same view and may now have a deeper distrust of technology companies with their personal data. “Genetics was supposed to be this thing that unlocked all this information and cured disease. It ended up being way more complicated than that,” said Farr. 

Read the full article here



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