Carson Quoted in Bloomberg Law on DOJ’s RealPage Lawsuit

Manatt Antitrust and Competition Partner Dylan Carson was quoted in Bloomberg Law on how the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) recent lawsuit against property management software company RealPage may help corroborate related private litigation. 

According to the article, the DOJ filed a civil claim alleging that RealPage aided the collusion of property managers to inflate rental prices on millions of units, which follows several private lawsuits with similar claims. Because of this, these plaintiffs may consider using the discovery developed and cited in the DOJ’s case to bolster their own. Whenever the DOJ files a lawsuit with similar claims to those a private plaintiff has made, it buttresses the notion that there is some legitimacy to the private litigation, Carson said. He continued, “The plaintiffs in other cases can ask RealPage for everything it has produced in response to the DOJ’s investigation.” 

Read the full Bloomberg Law article here