Banach Quoted in Hospice News on CMS’ Implementation of the ACO Primary Care Flex Model
Manatt Health Partner Edo Banach was quoted in Hospice News about the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) planned implementation of the Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) Primary Care Flex Model.
The ACO Flex Model, designed to improve resources for primary care delivery within the Medicare Shared Savings Program, could enable palliative care providers to reach more patients. The model aims to promote innovative person-centered approaches to care delivery. “Helping people and their families manage serious illness in a proactive and team-based way is what palliative care does and will be a crucial component of any successful primary care-based ACO,” Banach said.
Partner networks can greatly benefit primary care providers and allow for opportunities to demonstrate the value of palliative care such as in a demo. “Speak about specific populations or conditions and show where a team-based approach can help prevent unnecessary care and provide more proactive, equitable access to care. I would also strongly suggest a partnership with a good technology vendor to help demonstrate value,” he said.
Read the full article here.