Cantfil Quoted in Modern Healthcare on Hospital-at-Home Program

Manatt Health Partner Blair Cantfil was quoted in Modern Healthcare on the future of the hospital-at-home program as hospitals anticipate losing significant funding through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) once the public health emergency (PHE) ends.  

The hospital-at-home program has been supported by a waiver from CMS that pays hospital diagnosis-related group payment for program participants, but because the waivers will expire at the end of the PHE, legislation is necessary to make the program permanent. “There is widespread agreement that allowing hospital-at-home is the best thing from a patient perspective,” Cantfil said. “The sticking point, as it relates to passing legislation, is figuring out whether continuing these flexibilities will increase costs to the Medicare program or create program integrity concerns.” 

Read the full article here.