Kolber and Rochman Quoted by InsideHealthPolicy on Surprise Billing Rules

Manatt Health Partner Michael Kolber and Litigation Partner Harvey Rochman were quoted in an InsideHealthPolicy article about stakeholders' reactions to the surprise billing law, whose controversial regulations ban balance billing for out-of-network emergency rooms and care done at in-network institutions.

Kolber and Rochman discussed how this regulation compares to the No Surprises Act, another transformative law similar to the Affordable Care Act, for which Manatt Health created a toolkit to help clients understand the law as well as monitor federal and state guidance and supervision. "The NSA creates its own massive legal scheme dealing with the differing layers of federal and state law that will make it difficult for hospitals and insurance to comply," said Rochman. Stakeholders must assess which law will apply in a particular situation, which can be difficult because, as Kolber explained, "in some states different laws will apply depending on whether the claim is from a plan that is regulated by the state or the federal government."

InsideHealthPolicy subscribers can read the full article here.