Guyer Quoted in InsideHealthPolicy on the DEA’s Decision to Remove Mobile Addiction Treatment Unit Suspension

Manatt Health Managing Director Jocelyn Guyer is quoted in InsideHealthPolicy on the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) decision to remove a 14-year-old moratorium on mobile opioid use disorder treatment vans and how the move will improve access to medication assisted treatment (MAT). The publication noted that stakeholders will be watching for how states react to the rule and noted that there can be several layers of regulation when it comes to MAT. Guyer reported that she has seen many states interested in providing better treatment to those with substance use disorders, particularly in correctional facilities, but acknowledged that anything that expands MAT is vulnerable to backlash.

“It’ll be important to watch it and just make sure the policymakers continue to be made aware of the strong evidence base, continue to be made aware of the safeguards that go with mobile vans,” Guyer added. “And I do think the DEA held on to key protections.”

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