Reilly Quoted Extensively in Daily Journal on Data Retention and Early CCPA Enforcement Trends

Comments made by privacy and data security partner Brandon Reilly during the Data Protection World Forum’s “Laying the Groundwork for CCPA Litigation: Data Retention” webinar that was held on July 28 were featured in a Daily Journal article on the CCPA’s data retention requirements in light of enforcement of the new law beginning on July 1. In the article, Reilly noted that the first step every company should take to avoid litigation and enforcement action is to know what data they have, saying, “document everything, and then document your documentation.” He also discussed what he sees as the three buckets of civil litigation claims under the CCPA, which are traditional data breaches, cases brought by consumers under the other privacy aspects of the law, and lawsuits that use the CCPA to underlie a more traditional claim.

To learn more, please click here to listen to the “Laying the Groundwork for CCPA Litigation: Data Retention” webinar on demand.