Pfister Quoted in Inside Health Policy on CMS’ New 340B Guidance
Manatt Health partner Helen Pfister spoke with Inside Health Policy following CMS’ new guidance suggesting ways states can avoid billing manufacturers for Medicaid rebates for drugs purchased under the 340B program. In the article, Pfister noted that this guidance is a step forward but not a solution, saying, “[it] highlights areas of concern, particularly around contract pharmacies and managed care, and packages together existing duplicate discount prevention strategies but doesn’t really introduce any new strategies that aren’t already in use.”
The article also highlights Manatt Health’s recently published 50-state survey that summarizes laws, regulations and sub-regulatory guidance that govern how Medicaid programs in all 50 states reimburse for both 340B and non-340B drugs, and how Medicaid programs ensure that those drugs are not also subject to a Medicaid rebate. More information on our Comprehensive 50-State Survey: State Medicaid Programs and 340B report can be found here.