Pawlak Quoted in RevCycle Intelligence on Healthcare Revenue Cycle Recovery After COVID-19

Manatt Health managing director Brenda Pawlak spoke with RevCycle Intelligence about COVID-19’s financial impact on the healthcare system, and in particular on strategies providers should consider that may help them build a more resilient revenue cycle. This article, which referenced the firm’s recent report titled “Emergence From COVID-19: Imperatives for Health System Leaders,” noted the “highly interconnected, community engaged and extensively digital system of care” that is likely to develop as a result of the current public health crisis. Additionally, Pawlak highlighted the importance for health system leaders to balance their telemedicine and in-office visit offerings, saying, “you’ve got a lot of patients who you can stay connected with and like the convenience of telemedicine. A lot of people are scared still, and the world is tentatively opening up, so you need to be able to adequately support your patients in a few different swimming lanes.”