Report Explores Medicaid, CHIP and Impact on Children

Manatt’s Jocelyn Guyer, managing director with Manatt Health, spoke with FierceHealthcare about a new report on CHIP and Medicaid, and their impact on the social and emotional well-being of children.

The report, a collaboration between Manatt Health, the Center for the Study of Social Policy and Pediatrics Supporting Parents, found that offering five continuous years of coverage and fostering social and emotional health through primary care could be highly advantageous to children and families in the long term, according to FierceHealthcare.

Guyer said that pediatric care is at a “critical moment right now” and that Medicaid and CHIP have “long been a lifeline for America’s children.”

“It is increasingly clear that social and emotional health are major drivers of outcomes for kids,” she said. “We need to work together to ensure that Medicaid and CHIP are supporting pediatric care providers in addressing the social and emotional needs of children, especially in their earliest years.”