What Hope Hicks’ Departure Could Mean for Mueller Investigation
Manatt’s Jack Quinn, a partner in the firm’s government and regulatory practice, was interviewed by Don Lemon on CNN Tonight, where he discussed the recent resignation of former White House Communications Director Hope Hicks. This is Quinn’s fourth interview on the program over the past several weeks.
Don Lemon asked if Hicks’ departure means she will have to be more forthcoming, and Quinn explained that Congress can force the issue if they choose to.
“They’re not going to do it here, but one of the things that’s abundantly clear is that Mr. Mueller is not going to roll over the way that Congress did,” explained Quinn. “[He] is not going to accept the idea that an individual who is not the president asserts executive privilege because he or she has been told by someone at the White House to do so.”
Quinn added, “Executive privilege is the privilege of only one person in this country and that is the president—he has to invoke it, not any of his aides.