Manatt Stands With 34 Firms to Protect Asylum Seekers

The Law Did Not Create This Crisis, but Lawyers Will Help End It
– The New York Times

A group of 34 major American law firms, including Manatt, have pledged to help reunify families at the U.S. border, and to ensure representation for those who are entering the United States to seek asylum.

President Trump’s executive order on June 20 intended to end the separation of families at the border by detaining parents and children together for an indefinite period. However, the order does not provide guidance on unifying the families of more than 2,000 children who are currently in federal custody. They are held in an estimated 100 shelters around the country, and there is no immediate plan for reunification.

New York Times article noted that the current situation at the U.S. border “requires an army of lawyers to untangle because the immigration courts are flooded and detention centers across the country are bursting.”

Read the article here



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