College Student Files Dozens of TCPA Lawsuits

Manatt’s Christine Reilly, chair of the firm’s Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) compliance and class action defense practice, was interviewed by the Philadelphia Inquirer on one individual’s fight against robocalls.

The publication went into detail about a 21-year-old college student, Andrew Perrong, and his numerous TCPA lawsuits, noting that he has filed at least 45. Perrong has profited from suing small businesses and large entities alike, from chimney sweeps to Verizon and Citibank, stating that they violated TCPA by calling him without his consent.

“If you have been practicing [TCPA] law on the defense side, and you’ve been doing this for a good amount of time, you will know Andrew Perrong’s name,” said Reilly.