Manatt Health’s Cindy Mann Testifies at Senate Finance Committee Hearing on Graham-Cassidy
Discussion Sets the Stage for the Future of Healthcare Reform in 2017
Manatt partner Cindy Mann, who has over 30 years of federal- and state-level experience in health policy, today testified in opposition to Graham-Cassidy at the United States Senate Committee on Finance’s hearing to consider their proposal.
Mann testified on the impact that Graham-Cassidy will have on Medicaid and its 74 million beneficiaries. Her testimony is based partly on an analysis of the Graham-Cassidy proposal prepared by Manatt Health on behalf of the Robert Wood Johnson State Health & Value Strategies Project. The full report is available here.
In her testimony, Mann emphasized that the Graham-Cassidy proposal creates myriad problems for states, individuals and the healthcare system. Mann said:
"Through funding reductions and caps, it puts coverage at risk for virtually every group of individuals covered through “traditional” Medicaid, including one out of three children in the nation as well as millions of elderly and people with disabilities whose long-term care services are covered by Medicaid.
"It will also harm—and in some cases pose life-threatening harm—to the 23 million people projected to be covered through the Medicaid expansion and the Marketplace in 2019, who, by the terms of this proposal, will lose their coverage on December 31, 2019.
"And for those purchasing coverage in the individual and small group markets, Graham-Cassidy will trigger in the very short term new levels of destabilization and higher premiums by maintaining guaranteed issue while ending the individual mandate without any replacement mechanism to promote enrollment of healthier individuals."
At Manatt, Mann counsels providers, states, foundations and consumer organizations on a variety of healthcare matters. These matters include delivery system reform and privately and publicly financed healthcare coverage, with a strong focus on Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Prior to her work at Manatt, Mann was the deputy administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and director of the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services. During the Affordable Care Act’s implementation, Mann directed the administration of the Basic Health Program, Medicaid and CHIP. Throughout the transition, she supported state programs and set federal policy.
The Senate hearing was held at 2 p.m. on Sept. 25, 2017, at 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building. A complete copy of Mann’s testimony is available here.