Manatt Health Report Broadens At-Home Medicaid Options

Forbes interviewed Manatt’s Cindy Mann, a partner with Manatt Health, for an article on the ways states are helping people get Medicaid at home. Manatt Health’s recent toolkit, “Strengthening Medicaid LTSS in an Evolving Policy Environment,” was also cited.

The publication explained that according to several surveys, people want to continue living in their homes as they age, as opposed to moving into a nursing home or an assisted living facility. However, state rules on whether Medicaid will pay for a person’s long-term homecare vary widely.

Manatt Health’s study, prepared with the Center for Health Care Strategies, aimed to broaden the availability of Medicaid at home and in community-based settings.

“There’s a lot of innovation going on, but it can be dizzying in some respects,” said Mann. “We wanted to present options that states might consider.”