Far-Reaching WI Draft Waiver Goes to CMS for Review
Inside Health Policy interviewed Manatt’s Patricia Boozang, a senior managing director with Manatt Health, for an article about Wisconsin’s draft 1115 waiver, which could be administratively complicated to implement.
Boozang told the publication that the draft has several ideas that CMS has not previously approved, and stakeholders see the Wisconsin waiver—and an even-further reaching one recently proposed by Maine—as a test.
Boozang added that while other states have looked to incentivize healthy behaviors, the Wisconsin plan goes far beyond other proposals. Additionally, because the healthy behaviors would be self-reported, it is unclear how the approach would work.
Boozang told the publication that the draft has several ideas that CMS has not previously approved, and stakeholders see the Wisconsin waiver—and an even-further reaching one recently proposed by Maine—as a test.
Boozang added that while other states have looked to incentivize healthy behaviors, the Wisconsin plan goes far beyond other proposals. Additionally, because the healthy behaviors would be self-reported, it is unclear how the approach would work.