Phillips Remembers Former Client Prince

The Hollywood Reporter interviewed Manatt's Lee Phillips, a senior partner in the firm's Entertainment and Media practice, for an article about Prince following his sudden passing on April 21. Phillips represented Prince during the artist's 20s, when he recorded his famous album Purple Rain and starred in the film by the same name.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Prince consistently raised eyebrows with an assertiveness bordering on mania regarding his music, leading to questions about the future of his recordings now.

"I hope for his sake that he had an estate plan, especially with no heirs," said Phillips. "You can write in [the will] saying I've formed this trust, such and such is the trustee, and he's instructed to not grant any licenses for commercial use of my songs. He can continue, in effect, from the grave to control the usage of his songs. Who knows if he even has a will? He was a unique person."