Maricopa County Looks Forward to Shorter Lines at Polls

12 News KPNX-TV, a local Arizona news station, interviewed Manatt’s John McGuinness, a partner in the firm’s litigation practice, for a segment on the wait times at polling places in Maricopa County, the largest county in Arizona. McGuinness and his team are credited with spurring the state on to reduce voter wait times following a suit they filed pro bono in the Arizona Superior Court.

The resulting agreement includes a detailed Wait Time Reduction plan that includes a formula for projecting turnout at each polling place; delineates roles and responsibilities for officials, pollworkers, and troubleshooters in reducing wait times; outlines a mechanism to effectively respond to wait times should they exceed 30 minutes; and promotes the use of pollworker and voter hotlines for reports of long lines.

“We're hopeful that the county lives up to the agreement,” McGuinness said.

Watch the full segment here.