NY Law Journal Quotes Lytle on State Assembly's New Leadership

The New York Law Journal interviewed Manatt's James Lytle, a partner in the firm's Government and Regulatory practice, for an article on how new leadership in the state Assembly could affect the judiciary, civil and criminal legal services providers and other areas of the legal system.

The New York Law Journal reports criminal justice and court advocates are anxious, now that Sheldon Silver is no longer at the helm of the state Assembly. They wonder whether the possible election of the first non-attorney as speaker since the Watergate era would lessen the general sensitivity they say the Assembly has shown to the defense bar and to legal services providers under Silver and the four attorney-legislators who have held the speakership before him.

Lytle told the publication that a change in speaker does not mean a sea change in Assembly polices. "I don't know if it's likely to be all that profound, one way or another," said Lytle.