Politico Quotes Joel Ario on Increasing Reliance of HealthCare.gov

Politico quoted Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, on states' reliance on the federal health exchange.

Politico reports that 36 states currently rely on the federal health exchange, HealthCare.gov, to enroll people in coverage. At least two more states are opting in next year and only two states are trying to get out. However, the federal exchange option was supposed to be a limited and temporary fallback; the Affordable Care Act's original intent was that 50 exchanges would be run by 50 states.

Ario said he prefers state control but worries that time is running out as the insured and the insurers alike get accustomed to HealthCare.gov.

"I think forces inside the federal government think the federal government should run this," said Ario. "I think those folks are now pushing hard, and if the states aren't careful, there may be some … motion to make it harder for the states to reclaim their role."