Modern Healthcare Quotes Joel Ario on Medicaid Expansion Holdout States
Modern Healthcare quoted Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, on how Indiana's new plan to provide health coverage for more of the state's low-income residents is an indication that few—if any—of the states holding out on Medicaid expansion will implement the law in the intended way.
As reported by Modern Healthcare, 23 states have yet to move forward with some form of expansion, not counting Indiana. The CMS previously rejected a proposal from Indiana to draw additional Medicaid funding under the healthcare reform law.
Ario said political makeup in the remaining holdout states make it unlikely any of them will opt for a traditional Medicaid expansion.
"They'll likely pursue some sort or privatized option, because they like the idea of personal responsibility," said Ario. "That movement is likely to expand to a number of states."