Modern Healthcare Quotes Joel Ario on Increased Insurer Competition on Health Exchanges

Modern Healthcare interviewed Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article on the increasing number of insurers who will be competing for consumers' business on the exchanges during the second year of Obamacare enrollments.

Modern Healthcare reports that the number of insurers selling products on the state and federal exchanges will increase by at least 25% for 2015. There will be 77 additional health plans participating in the 44 states for which data is currently available. In 36 of the 44 states, there will be at least one new insurer seeking customers through government-run marketplaces.

"There's probably no better sign of whether these markets have a long term future than the level of competition" among health insurers, said Ario. "I think they're the best judges of that."