Manatt Partner Quoted on Proposed Plans to Strengthen Highway Trust Fund

Manatt's June DeHart, a partner in the firm's Federal Government Affairs and Public Policy practice, was quoted by Fiscal Times for an article about how Congress is attempting to avert the bankruptcy of the federal highway construction program.

As reported by Fiscal Times, House Speaker John Boehner and other House GOP leaders recently proposed to end most Saturday deliveries by the financially troubled U.S. Postal Service in order to use the savings to prop the depleted Highway Trust Fund. Senate Democrats have dismissed the idea, but have yet to come up with a better one. They're deadlocked over a proposed corporate tax overhaul that could unlock billions of dollars of overseas corporate profits for use by the domestic highway program.

"Both sides are kind of far apart on where they want to be, but I feel pretty confident they're going to get some type of short-term fix done," said DeHart, who specializes in transportation and infrastructure issues. "My money would be on an extension as opposed to getting a bill done."