Manatt Appellate Co-Chair Quoted by Daily Journal on Calif. Supreme Court Nominee Mariano-Florentino Cueller

Manatt's Benjamin Shatz, co-chair of the firm's Appellate practice, was interviewed by the Daily Journal for an article on California Supreme Court nominee Mariano-Florentino Cueller.

The Daily Journal reports that the Stanford Law School professor is up for confirmation to a 12-year term on the state Supreme Court in the November 4 election. The unusual circumstance arises because Gov. Jerry Brown appointed Cuellar to fill the seat of departing Justice Marvin Baxter, who would have stood for election in November.

Shatz said he feels comfortable with the amount of knowledge he has about Cuellar. "I don't feel I am missing information," Shatz said. "I suppose in these circumstances there is always a sense of trust [in the governor's choice]."