Manatt Appellate Co-Chair Discusses Calif. Supreme Court's Regional Diversity
Manatt's Benjamin Shatz, co-chair of the firm's Appellate practice, spoke to the Daily Journal about the lack of regional diversity within the California Supreme Court.
As reported by the Daily Journal, Gov. Jerry Brown's appointment of Stanford Law School Professor Mariano-Florentino Cuellar to the state Supreme Court adds a Latino to the bench, but some observers say the panel still lacks sufficient diversity, including regional diversity. The latest retirements and Cuellar's appointment gives the court a distinct Northern California bent.
Shatz said that even though Southern California seemed to be overlooked of late, its lack of representation on the court wasn't a major slight.
"It's an overstatement to say it's a big concern, but that said, with the Supreme Court and the governor essentially based in San Francisco, it's easy to overlook the legal talent down here," he said.