Wall Street Journal Quotes Joel Ario on Varying Health Exchange Experiences
Wall Street Journal Quotes Joel Ario on Varying Health Exchange Experiences
"Health-Law Implementation to Vary by State"
The Wall Street Journal
September 22, 2013 - The Wall Street Journal quoted Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, on how experiences will vary for Americans on the October 1 debut of the main provisions of the health reform law.
The Wall Street Journal reports that although every state will have a health-insurance exchange where people will shop for coverage, the implementation will vary by state. Some states are running their own exchanges while others are letting the federal government take over; some states are expanding Medicaid while others aren't extending local eligibility rules.
"Your prices, your consumer experience will differ dramatically across states or even regions in states," said Ario. Rural areas will likely have fewer insurer choices than urban areas, where insurers are competing more vigorously for new customers.
Read the article here.