USA Today Interviews Manatt Professional on Release of Final Essential Health Benefits Rule

USA  Today Interviews Manatt Professional on Release of Final Essential Health Benefits Rule

"HHS Releases Rule on Insurers' Essential Health Benefits"
USA Today

February 20, 2013 - USA Today interviewed Manatt's Ian Spatz, a senior advisor with Manatt Health Solutions, on how insurers and states will move forward on health exchanges now that the final rule on essential health benefits has been released by the Department of Health and Human Services.

USA Today reports that the rule defines what must be covered in exchange plans, prohibits discrimination based on age or preexisting conditions, describes prescription drug benefits and determines levels of coverage. The final rule looks very similar to the rule that was proposed in November, so there were no major surprises.

"It's what many of us anticipated," said Spatz. "It's good news for the states, because they've been moving forward based on the proposed rule."

"Over the summer, we'll get to see what the plans look like and especially how much they will cost," Spatz said.

Read the article here.