The Hill Quotes Joel Ario on Federal Exchange's Structural Issues

The Hill Quotes Joel Ario on Federal Exchange's Structural Issues

"ObamaCare Crash Not Just Traffic"
The Hill

October 8, 2013 - The Hill quoted Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, on the structural problems of, the federal government portal where people can shop for health insurance.

As reported by The Hill, the number of technical glitches that were originally attributed to high traffic volume on the federal exchange are now believed to be caused by the site's structural issues. is the main portal for consumers in 36 states to compare their coverage options, but it has been taken offline for maintenance multiple times since last week's launch. The initial problems with the site prevented users from creating an account - a prerequisite to comparing or buying insurance - so few people have been able to begin the shopping process.

Ario said the department should temporarily scale back the site and simply allow users to comparison shop without creating an account.

"People must be able to shop and browse," said Ario. "If that's a problem, it needs to be fixed right now."

Read the article here.