Politico Turns to Joel Ario on Potential Federal Health Exchange Components

Politico Turns to Joel Ario on Potential Federal Health Exchange Components

"Obamacare's Two Americas"

February 15, 2013 - Politico turned to Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, for insight into what a large federal health insurance exchange may be like.

As reported by Politico, half the states have refused to set up the health insurance exchanges, letting the federal government take control. There is now a huge opportunity for federal ownership of the law, which could possibly make the exchanges simpler, cheaper and more consistent. However, each exchange will require an intricate network of software to determine whether someone qualifies for a federal subsidy and for how much. Industry experts predict that, at the end of the day, states have a stake in making the exchanges work.

"In the end, federal and state officials will want consumers to have a positive experience and will find ways to cooperate regardless of model," said Ario.

The more consistent federal approach may be a boon. It may make some of the big national health insurance companies more comfortable entering these new exchange markets, potentially lending consumers a more robust choice of plans. The big insurance carriers, Ario added, may end up "favoring the efficiencies of a national approach," he said.

Read the article here.