Politico Quotes Joel Ario on Looming Deadline for States

Politico Quotes Joel Ario on Looming Deadline for States

"Obamacare Deadline Looms for States"

February 13, 2013 - Politico quoted Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, on the February 15 deadline for states to declare whether they'll partner with the federal government to build health insurance exchanges.

Politico reports that although the deadline for states is approaching, the Department of Health and Human Services has shown flexibility on previous deadlines, offering multiple chances for states to change their minds. Several states have kept their intentions a mystery, while others have claimed to want no part in building their own exchanges. 

Ario told the publication that the deadline could turn out to be a dud, as far as more states signing on as partners right now.

"I wouldn't have high expectations for states signing up, but that doesn't necessarily mean their opposition to the federal government," he said. "At the end of the day, I think the states want the markets to work. There has to be cooperation between the state and federal government, and that could be accomplished in a federal exchange."

Read the article here.