Modern Healthcare Interviews Manatt Professional on Medicaid Expansion Proposals
Modern Healthcare Interviews Manatt Professional on Medicaid Expansion Proposals
"There's a Catch"
Modern Healthcare
February 16, 2013 - Modern Healthcare interviewed Manatt's Patricia Boozang, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' review of states' proposals for Medicaid expansion.
As reported by Modern Healthcare, at least six Republican governors recently announced that they will back the optional expansion of Medicaid eligibility, but their support is contingent on using approaches that have drawn previous opposition from the Obama administration, such as health savings accounts and premium support. States will forward their plans to CMS for approval, where officials are expected to try to accept most proposals they are legally allowed to consider.
"I don't think they'll ultimately be accepted exactly as proposed, but there is a real interest in having a dialogue with states," said Boozang.