Manatt Sports Law Chair Quoted on San Jose's Lawsuit Over Oakland A's

Manatt Sports Law Chair Quoted on San Jose's Lawsuit Over Oakland A's

"Handicapping San Jose's Odds in MLB Lawsuit"
Silicon Valley Business Journal

June 18, 2013 - The Silicon Valley Business Journal quoted Manatt's Ronald Katz, chair of the firm's Sports Law Practice, on San Jose's antitrust lawsuit against Major League Baseball.

As reported by the business journal, the lawsuit takes aim at a 1922 case that gave MLB an exemption from federal antitrust law. San Jose claims MLB's continued restraint of the move by the Oakland A's to San Jose is unlawful.

Katz said he believes the antitrust basis for the case has merit because baseball as a business has grown dramatically in the last 100 years when the antitrust exemption was allowed.

"It doesn't comport with reality right now. [The suit is] good on that basis," he said.

But he was skeptical of the city's chances for another reason. The problem, he said, has to do with whether San Jose, rather than the A's, has the ability to sue.

"I'm not sure San Jose has standing on this," he said. "The A's are being directly impacted by this. The impact on San Jose is very indirect."