Manatt Professional Provides NPR a "Report Card" on Exchanges

Manatt Professional Provides NPR a "Report Card" on Exchanges

"State Health Exchanges: The Good, The Bad, And The Glitches"

October 9, 2013 - Manatt's Jocelyn Guyer, a director with Manatt Health Solutions, was a guest on NPR's "All Things Considered," providing insights into the successes and challenges that emerged during the first week of exchange enrollment.

In a segment titled "State Health Exchanges: The Good, the Bad and the Glitches," Guyer discussed the states that are doing well, the ones that are having difficulties and the overall status of the enrollment process in its first days.

Guyer placed Kentucky at the top of the list of state "success stories," citing its simpler, quality-focused website and the involvement of all key parties in the agency running its marketplace as the primary reasons for its smooth rollout. In contrast, she discussed the challenges Maryland faced, which caused it to delay the opening of its exchange for four hours. She attributed the difficulties to many more people than expected seeking access to the site, as well as some significant technology issues that the state is working to resolve.

Read the full interview here.