Manatt Professional Comments on Pennsylvania's Medicaid Plan
Manatt Professional Comments on Pennsylvania's Medicaid Plan
"Health Analysts Question Corbett's Plan For Uninsured"
The Philadelphia Inquirer
December 8, 2013 - The Philadelphia Inquirer quoted Manatt's Patricia Boozang, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, on Pennsylvania's plan for a market version of the Medicaid expansion envisioned by the Affordable Care Act.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Governor Corbett's plan seeks far more changes than any other state has tried, raising questions about its effectiveness and likelihood for federal approval. Pennsylvania is one of three states that plans to use new Medicaid money to subsidize private insurance for at least some of the low-income residents on the exchange. The plan will require a federal waiver. Arkansas' has already been approved, and Iowa's is pending. Pennsylvania's plan, however, has more provisions than either of the others'.
"The longer the list," said Boozang, who consulted on Arkansas' plan, "the more complicated the proposal."
Read the article here.