Manatt Partner Speaks to Real Estate Forum on Gap-Financing Market
Manatt Partner Speaks to Real Estate Forum on Gap-Financing Market
"Structured Finance: Mind the Gap"
Real Estate Forum
June 1, 2013 - Manatt's Clayton Gantz, a partner in the firm's Real Estate & Land Use Practice, spoke to Real Estate Forum about the direction that the mezzanine lending market has recently taken.
Real Estate Forum reports that mezzanine lending is booming, with one lender receiving 300 requests for mezzanine financing last year. However, competition has also increased dramatically over the past two years, and it is getting harder to reap returns on traditional mezzanine lending. Therefore, providers are now looking for less traditional structures and projects.
"It's surprising how quickly the gap-financing market went from awful to fabulous," said Gantz. "Bridge financing is being provided in contexts where I am not used to seeing it provided."