Manatt Health Professional Quoted on California's HIE Gateway Launch

Manatt Health Professional Quoted on California's HIE Gateway Launch

"Statewide Health Data Gateway Opens"

California  Healthline

October 15, 2013 - Manatt's Jonah Frohlich, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, spoke to California Healthline about the launch of California's Health Information Exchange Gateway.

California Healthline reports that the state Department of Public Health launched the gateway, a single point of entry for submitting data for many state and public health programs, on October 1. It is an expansion of the department's Immunization Portal. Currently, information is only flowing into the gateway, but eventually the collection and manipulation of all the data has the potential to greatly change the state's healthcare delivery system. Proponents predict that this could lead to better medical outcomes at lower costs through evidence-based decision-making.

"In the long run, this will make a very big difference in people's lives," said Frohlich, former deputy secretary of health information technology at the state HHS.

"This should be more widely recognized. This is the beginning of really excellent work that needs to be further invested in," Frohlich said.

Read the article here.