Law360 Quotes Joel Ario on State's Health Exchange Setback
Law360 Quotes Joel Ario on State's Health Exchange Setback
"Calif. Exchange's Hiccups Hint at Bumpy Debut for ACA"
August 23, 2013 - Law360 quoted Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, on California's potential online enrollment delay.
Law360 reports that California recently disclosed that its health insurance exchange might not be fully operational by the October 1 deadline. The state announced that online enrollment may not be immediately available, and that over-the-phone or in-person purchases might be required at first. The announcement came two weeks after Oregon admitted a similar situation.
Ario told Law360 that ACA detractors would be sure to pounce on the Golden State's exchange woes, licking their chops at such a high-profile pelt.
"All these sorts of delays have been fodder for political attacks," Ario said. "I would predict to you that this will [also] become an attack line."
Read the article here.