Joel Ario Tapped as Expert Guest on Fox News

Joel Ario Tapped as Expert Guest on Fox News

September 24, 2013 - Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, appeared as an expert guest on two Fox News shows to talk about the health insurance exchanges and what lies ahead for healthcare in America. 

On Tuesday, September 24, Ario was a featured thought leader on "On the Record" with Greta VanSusteren, talking about the start of the Exchanges-and what Americans are likely to experience as ACA implementation gets underway.  While Ario acknowledged that there may be some bumps in the road at the start, he expressed great optimism about the benefits health reform will bring to the vast majority of Americans.

On Thursday, September 26, Ario was featured again on Fox News, interviewed by Connell McShane and Dagen McDowell.  Ario reinforced his positive view of the changes reform will drive, pointing out that pricing on the Exchanges is proving to be 16% - 20% lower than expected. 

View Ario's appearances here and here.