Joel Ario Interviewed by Associated Press on Exchange Leader Resignations

Joel Ario Interviewed by Associated Press on Exchange Leader Resignations

"Maryland Becomes Third State to See Obamacare Exchange Director Go"
Associated Press

December 9, 2013 - Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, was interviewed by the Associated Press on the recent resignations of three people leading their states' exchanges.

As reported by the Associated Press, the executive director of Maryland's exchange is the latest leader to resign. In November, the head of Hawaii's exchange announced her resignation after delays in getting the exchange running and low signups in the first month. The head of Oregon's health exchange took a medical leave earlier in December.

Ario, who knows the former leaders of both the Maryland and Oregon exchanges, said he doesn't believe either was the problem. But Ario said that when things don't go well "the people at the top have some accountability." He said part of the trouble with the Maryland exchange may be that the state had a more elaborate plan for its website when it could have started with a slimmed-down plan that just met the basic requirements.