Associated Press Interviews Joel Ario on Virginia's Health Exchange Accommodation
Associated Press Interviews Joel Ario on Virginia's Health Exchange Accommodation
"McDonnell to Feds: Virginia Will Use Federal Health Exchange But Retain Oversight on Providers"
Associated Press
February 14, 2013 - The Associated Press interviewed Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, on Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell's decision to use a federally run health insurance exchange in the state with the intention of retaining regulatory authority over insurance providers that do business with Virginians through the exchange.
As reported by The Associated Press, McDonnell's February 14 letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services confirmed his position that Virginia will not establish its own exchange. The letter also carved out an accommodation that would be novel among states, stipulating that Virginia would still license or certify plans and providers that are marketed to Virginians in the federal exchange.
Ario said that McDonnell appears to be looking for a way to stay in the game as the healthcare overhaul rolls out next year, while stopping short of a partnership with Washington.
"Virginia found an accommodation that helps consumers without entanglements the state wanted to avoid," said Ario.