William Bernstein Comments on Expected Rise of Healthcare Dealmaking

William Bernstein Comments on Expected Rise of Healthcare Dealmaking

“Healthcare Law to Spur U.S. Deal Activity”
Private Equity International

June 28, 2012 – Manatt’s William Bernstein, chair of the firm’s Healthcare Division, spoke to Private Equity International about the rise in dealmaking activity that is expected to occur since the Supreme Court released its decision on health reform.

The publication reports that dealmaking in the healthcare sector had been at a standstill due to the uncertainty surrounding the future of health reform. Since the Court decided to uphold the Affordable Care Act, industry insiders speculate that the decision could lead to increased opportunities in healthcare, in part because of the ACA’s endorsement of healthcare information technology.

“Many of the information technology companies have developed new solutions to offer insurance in a way that is easy to purchase through these new exchanges that are going to be built, so that’s a major opportunity,” said Bernstein. “Some of the companies are the system integration companies, but there are lots of smaller companies who have developed interesting capabilities to support the coverage expansion provisions of the law.”